In our interior design work with homeowners, we find that one of the most common obstacles to achieving a great design is fear of commitment. Home remodeling can be expensive, so it’s understandable that many folks have a hard time “pulling the trigger” on a design plan. However, MJN & Associates Interiors has a great solution to help those who just can’t quite take the leap on a design plan: Digital rendering!
Our digital interior design renderings give clients peace of mind and the confidence to take a design from concept to reality. First, we photograph your space. Next, we add the major elements of the design. This could include wall color, window treatments, rugs, upholstery colors, etc. The end result will help you envision your new space and gives you the opportunity to make a change if you feel it necessary, or to move ahead with confidence that your space will look fantastic.
Interior design rendering is particularly helpful when choosing draperies. Many people think of window treatments as an afterthought, but the color, pattern, style, and trim can completely alter the mood of a room. Worried that the style is too formal or the color will be too bold? Let us illustrate the change so you can ensure that you’re getting exactly what your space needs.
If you are interested in our interior design rendering services, please give us a call today at 757.306.6000. Located in Virginia Beach, our full-service interior design firm happily serves clients throughout the Hampton Roads area.
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