We’ve discussed before how plants can add a welcome dose of color and life to your home during the dreary winter months, and there’s no better plant for the holidays than the poinsettia! This beautiful plant is a classic choice for holiday decoration, and can remain in good condition for weeks with proper care. Take a look at some tips for caring for your poinsettia to make the most of your purchase.

  • Do NOT let the plant get too cold. Even a few minutes of exposure can damage the plant.
  • Keep the plant away from open doors and windows, and out of warm drafts from the heater as well.
  • Temperatures of 60-70 degrees during the day and 55 degrees at night are ideal. High temperatures will shorten the life of the plant, so if you’d like to keep your poinsettia looking nice through the new year, consider moving it into a cooler room at night.
  • Place your plant where it can get about 6 hours of direct sunlight a day. Don’t allow it to come in contact with cold windows.
  • Check the soil every day and water when soil becomes dry. Allow water to drain into a saucer, but be sure to dump the excess.
  • If you keep the poinsettia as a house plant, you’ll want to fertilize once a month. Don’t fertilize when it’s in bloom!

While red poinsettias are classic, they also come in beautiful shades of white and pink, so you can choose the color that fits best with your existing interior design scheme. And if you love adding color to your home with live plants, be sure to check out our previous posts on forcing bulbs for winter color and caring for Christmas cacti.

Do you have a favorite plant or other decorative element that you use in your Atlanta home? We’d love to hear your suggestions, so leave us a comment!

photo by Lori L. Stalteri