If there was any area in the home that needed a boost it’s the bedroom. Ask any couple after a hard day at work and they’ll most likely agree. The principles of element and energy are used in feng shui to bring positive energy to your home and your life. One way this energy flows through your home is dependent on the position of your furniture.

Here are tips to turn your most private area into a sanctuary or a love nest if you choose.

  1. Remove everything from your room that doesn’t inspire what you want from your bedroom. We clutter our bedroom space with treadmills (they double as clothes hangers), televisions, radios and the like. All of these things dampen the energy that should flow freely. You have televisions in other rooms so let that be where you watch it.
  2. Choose a color that brings balance to your bedroom. According to feng shui, flesh tones are good for adding sensuality to your bedroom. Deep browns are significant with the wood element which brings life and vitality. As you sleep, your body is repairing itself and renewing your energy for the next day.
  3. Leave space below your bed for energy to flow all around it. Beds with drawers underneath block the energy in your bedroom from surrounding you. If your sexual energy is running a little low, it is important to have the most positive energy possible in the bedroom.
  4. Add artwork. We place artwork in the living room for family and friends to see but in the bedroom, it’s for you. If you want your bedroom to be a sanctuary use photos of tropical places, flowers, and other soothing images that reflect how you want to feel there. To “get in the mood” choose images that bring out the sensual side of you.
  5. Adjust the lighting. Different levels of light change the look of the colors in your room. Use candles, soft lighting or dimmer switches to let more light in or keep light out. Natural light nourishes your body and it is no different in your home.
  6. Choose a good quality bed and bedding. We’ve talked about the look of the bedroom but not the main item in the room. A bed with a comfortable, well made mattress is essential for adequate rest. Don’t forget the sheets either. High thread count bedding is soft to the touch and welcoming after a long, hard day.

So, how does your bedroom stack up? If the energy in your room is waning a little, use the above advice to get it moving strong again.

Part 3 of 5.